1996 Year-End Financial Report

Opening Checking: 01-01-96 $10,067.65
Opening Schwab Investment: 01-01-96 $30,342.46
Total Opening: $40,410.11
Closing Checking: 12-31-96: $ 8,503.17
Closing Schwab Investment: 12-31-96 $34,422.59
Total Closing: $42,925.76
Net gain, 1996 $ 2,515.65
Net loss, (subtract Schwab investment earnings) –$ 1,564.48


1996 Income  
Dues and subscriptions $ 4,526.88
Checking Interest $ 276.52
Schwab Interest, total: $ 4,080.16

Bond fund (11.5 months):


Index fund (12 months):

1995 Annual Meeting $ 2,278.20
Other (one sale of membership list) $ 100.00
Total Income, 1996: $11,261.76
Total Income, (subtract Schwab investment earnings): $ 7,181.60


1996 Expenses  
Blueline (typeset, print, mail 4 issues at preset price) $ 3,200.00
AGI dues $ 528.00
AGI GAP dues $ 198.00
Contract Services (membership database/directory) $ 1,800.00
1996 Directory (typeset, print, mail) $ 1,557.26
1996 Ballot (envelopes, copying, postage) $ 248.74
Annual Meetings: 1996 Meeting expenses $ 195.81
Dues Notices $ 188.19
Office Expenses (envelopes, labels, shipping, postage) $ 344.81
Other (incorporation dues/fees, membership expenses,1 President’s expenses) $ 485.27
Total Expenses, 1996: $ 8,746.08
1 Membership expenses: new mugs = $265.00; print brochure = $55.08; membership mailer = $23.12.

1997 Estimated Income and Expenses

Dues (270 members at $30.00) $ 8,100
Checking interest (about 3%, avg. balance of $8,000) $ 240
1996 Annual Meeting (estimate, per R. Davie) $ 4,000
Total Estimated Operating Income: $12,340
Schwab Investment Earnings (avg. 7% on $34,000) $ 2,380
AGI (and GAP) dues (264 members) $ 726
Blueline (4 issues @ contracted 32 pages/$100 per page) $ 3,200
Contract Services—Mary Ann Schmidt:  
1997 dues, maintain database, 1996 Directory $ 1,600
Directory (typeset, print, mail) $ 1,800
1997 Ballot (copying, envelopes, postage) $ 250
Dues Notices $ 500
Annual Meeting, 1997 start-up + expenses $ 2,000
Office Expenses $ 500
Other/Contingency $ 424
Total Estimated Operating Expenses: $11,000