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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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=> Style Guides
Style Guides

Online Style Guides

Listing of the style guides is for your convenience and does not consitute endorsement by AESE. The guides may not apply to your organizaton, but may provide ideas in problem areas.

If you wish to add a style guide to this page, please contact

Geological Survey of Canada Map Specifications
Cartographic Services Section (ESS Info) manages the design and production of geological maps, illustrations, figures and photographs, using digital cartographic, digital imaging and photographic technologies for the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC).

Geological Survey of Canada Guide to Authors
The Geological Survey of Canada Guide to Authors, part of the ESS Info Publishing homepage, is primarily intended for authors outside the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) who publish in GSC publication series, but there is information here that could be helpful to anyone writing about the earth sciences. This site is an ongoing project, and will be updated periodically as changes are made and guidelines refined.

The United States Government Printing Office Style Manual 2016
Standardized guidelines with printed examples designed to achieve uniform word and type treatment, aiming for economy of word use.

Kansas Geological Survey Style Manual and Word Usage Guide
This style manual is designed to provide guidance to Kansas Geological Survey staff and authors of KGS publications.

Style Guides for Purchase

The style guides listed below have been reviewed by AESE members and their reviews are included here. These guidelines are not officially endorsed by AESE. They are listed for your convenience. If you wish to add a style guide for sale, please submit it to, Attn: Chair of the AESE Publication Review Committee.

(At this time, no style guides are listed.)


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Hosted by the American Geological Institute.