Association of Earth Science Editors              
Friday, July 26, 2024

What is AESE?
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Annual Meeting
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AESE Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY, October 7-10, 2014 -- AESE2016.html

2016 Annual Meeting

AESE will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in Boulder Colorado. Sara Pratt, Earth Magazine will host the meeting. John Keith, USGS retired, is the Chair of the Technical Session.

Latest AESE 2016 Meeting Update (August 2016)
Registration Form
Call for Abstracts

Slideshow: AESE at 50
As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations this year, we're compiling photos from past meetings into a slideshow for all to enjoy and reminisce. The slideshow is hosted on Google Docs, and the link to it can be found in the "Members Only" area of AESE's website. You will need the username and password to access the "Members Only" page. Please contact Rowena Mills if you have misplaced this information.


Copyright © 1996-2024 Association of Earth Science Editors. All rights reserved.
Hosted by the American Geological Institute.