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Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Conservation Training Center
your calendars to attend the 2005 AESE Annual Meeting!
The meeting will be held in Shepherdstown,
West Virginia, on September 6-10, 2005. The meeting headquarters will be the
National Conservation Training Center, which is 75 miles
northwest of Washington, D.C. It is a self-contained campus in a wooded setting
near the Potomac River. Shuttles are available to and from Dulles Airport.
Falls National Park encompasses 800 acres of forested land along the Potomac
River, just 14 miles upstream from Washington, DC Photos courtesy of Gary P.
there, you will be able to avail yourself and family of any number of local
and regional sights and activities, including a roadside geology
field trip.
set the time aside and join your AESE colleagues for what promises to be both
a pleasant and an educational meeting with ample opportunity to make new friendships
and renew old ones!
Area and facility details
General program
Click here to download
meeting registration form (requires Adobe Reader).
Meeting Costs:
The registration fee is $210 if you
register before July 25, 2005 ($260 thereafter). The room charge at the National
Conservation Training Center (NCTC) is $111.00 per day, which includes all meals.
The meeting fee includes the field trip and meals (box lunch and dinner).
For those wishing to bring a guest, the charge is $36 per day per room, added
to the $111 standard charge. So the total is $147 per day.
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Area and Facility Details
The National Conservation Training
Center is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as an education and
training center for the natural resource management community. It is located
in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, on the banks of the Potomac River, approximately
85 miles northwest of Washington, DC The campus resembles that of a small college;
it is a walking campus and is self-contained, so that you don't need a vehicle
once you are there. Our sessions will be held in the West Instructional Building,
which is within easy walking distance of the guest lodges. September is pleasantly
warm in this area, but not as toasty as July and August. Bring an umbrella,
just in case of rain. There are 5 miles of forested paths on the picturesque
campus for hiking, birding, nature study, and meditation. Please visit the Web
site http://training.fws.gov/
for more information on NCTC. The
closest major airport is Dulles International, about 55 miles away, from which
there is shuttle service to NCTC. Check back at this site later this summer
for more detailed maps and other transportation information.
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Please visit the Web site http://training.fws.gov/shuttle.htm
for more information
on the shuttle. We will provide special shuttle service to Dulles Airport
on Saturday morning, Sept.10. The shuttle will depart at 8 a.m. on the Saturday,
so folks will arrive at Dulles airport by 10 a.m., with bagged lunches in hand
on request. If you expect to use this service, please so note on your registration
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General Program
Sept. 6 Wed.,
Sept. 7 Thurs., Sept. 8 Fri., Sept.
(All events except the field
trip will be held at the National Conservation Training Center.)
September 6
Registration (Lobby)
2:00-5:00 p.m.
2005 Board of Directors Meeting
6:30-8:30 p.m
Icebreaker, including dinner
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September 7
7:00-8:00 a.m.
State, Provincial, and National Surveys Editors Breakfast
9:00-10:15 a.m.
Technical Session I
From Scratch: What it takes to start a brand new publication
Co-chairs: Pierrette Tremblay and Lisa Pinsker
Session description: Creating a new
publication is a lot of hard work. Whether you are producing a new book, magazine,
Web site or newsletter, you can follow useful tips in making something innovative
and fresh. In this session, we'll hear from people who have started new projects
and see what blueprints they followed.
Innovation for a Targeted Audience: AGU's Space Weather
Stephen Cole, Publisher, Books & Special Publications, American
Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
Starting a new Museum/Earth Science/Paleontology magazine: The first 13
years of American Paleontologist
Warren D. Allmon, Director, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca,
Building New Bridges in the Geosciences: Elements
Pierrette Tremblay, Managing Editor, Elements, INRS-ETE, Québec,
and Publishing a Book on Science for Nonscientists: How I Tried to Put Meat
in My Book and Meat on the Table at the Same Time
Alan Cutler,
geologist and author of Seashell on the Mountaintop: a Story of Science,
Sainthood, and the Humble Genius Who Discovered a New History of the Earth,
Gaithersburg, MD
10:15-10:30 a.m.
Continuation of Technical Session 1
12:00-1:00 p.m.
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Session 2
yourselves and your ideas
Co-chairs: Alma Paty and Lisa Pinsker
Session Description: Earth science editing
may be a niche professional field, but we have skills and experience that are
marketable across a broad range of services. In this session, we'll look at
marketing ourselves both as freelancers and within our own organizations. Have
ideas but don't know how to get it out there? In this session, you will hear
from people who have succeeded in marketing their ideas.
What the Public Really Wants to Know About Mining: New Research Findings
Carol Raulston, Senior Vice President, Communications, National Mining
Association, Washington, DC
Reinventing the NSF Web Site
Mary Hanson, Executive Officer, Legislative and Public Affairs, National
Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
Freelance marketing: Low tech still works!
Alma Hale Paty, Editing consultant, A Capital Resource, Washington,
3:30-3:45 p.m.
3:45-5:15 p.m.
Technical Session 3
Map Production: Challenges in editing and publishing
Mindy James and Diane Lane
Session description: Map editing and
production is a rapidly changing field. In this session, we'll talk about new
tools of the trade and well as new approaches to this classic earth-science
editing endeavor. We also plan to discuss everyone's favorite topic: metadata.
And because publication of a map no longer signifies the end of a project, we
will touch on data-distribution tactics.
Reviewing and editing geospatial metadata
Peter N. Schweitzer, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA
Map production and data distribution the Idaho way
Jane S. Freed, Cartographer, Idaho Geological Survey, Moscow, ID
Legacy maps
Elizabeth D. Koozmin and Will R. Stettner, US Geological Survey, Reston,
Icebreaker, Roosevelt Room
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Annual Awards Banquet
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September 8
7:00-8:00 a.m.
Freelancers Breakfast
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Technical Session 4
New Challenges in Electronic Publishing
Co-chairs: Rex Buchanan and Lisa Pinsker
Session description: Electronic publishing
is a hot topic these days, with changes in policy over how much information
to make available online, as well as new reader habits. New electronic publishing
models are trying to keep up with these changes, and we'll hear from some leaders
in the arena.
Managing the Multi-Publisher Portal
Don Hemenway, Executive Director, GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA
Giving it all away and still surviving as a publisher: Evidence From the
National Academies Press
Michael Jensen, Director, Publishing Technologies, The National Academies
Press, Washington, D.C.
Copyright under pressure: Open Access Publishing, Open-Source Initiative,
Creative Commons, Google Print: What's next?
Sharon Tahirkheli, Director, Information Systems , American Geological
Institute, Alexandria, VA
Electronic Publishing - The Interesting Times
Judy Holoviak, Director, Publications, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, D.C.
10:00-10:15 a.m.
10:15-12:00 noon
Continuation of Technical Session 4
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Annual Business Lunch
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Technical Session 5
Beyond Editing: Services editors can offer
to the science community
Co-chairs: Barb Richman and Gail Wendt
Session description: "Two roads
diverged in an [editorial] wood"
and I I took the one less
traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
What can it mean it mean to your career to have an editorial eye, an editorial
mindset, or the editorial experience? This career panel will explore how editing
in all its aspects is a bedrock fundamental, a great building block, and a critical
stepping stone to a successful career, to new services an editor can offer,
and to new paths to pursue. Listen and learn from the varied and vibrant paths
that once and future editors have taken and how the editorial experience has
been invaluable to them and their careers.
Lisa A. Rossbacher, geologist; almost an astronaut; president of Southern
Polytechnic State University, Marietta, GA; columnist for Geotimes;
children's book author; holistic thinker
Mary Hanson, multi-tasking communicator and writer; 20+ years as federal
public affairs officer; twice detailed to White House science office; Navy
reserve captain; former broadcast journalist and freelance writer; Executive
Officer for the National Science Foundation Office of Legislative and Public
Kathleen Gohn, scientific journal editor, publications editor, government
public affairs specialist, legislative fellow on Capitol Hill
Linda Jacobsen, paleontologist, publications editor, budget analyst,
Yoga instructor, novelist wannabe (regretfully cannot be there in person but
will provide some reflections to be read and pondered, nonetheless)
(Note from co-chairs: And if the panelists run out of things to talk about,
Barb can talk about majoring in science journalism, writing for and managing
Eos, editing several earth-science publications, and being managing editor
of Environment magazine (with some jewelry making thrown in for fun),
and Gail can talk about how a Wisconsin girl who thought she wanted to teach
elementary school has been editor, speechwriter, wordsmith, spin doctor, Scrabble
3:30-3:45 p.m.
3:45-5:30 p.m.
Technical Session 6
Break out sessions by topic
Session description: We will have four small break-out discussion
Freelancing: Vagaries and Vicissitudes, led by Bill Rose and Mary
Editing Tips for Punctuation and Style, led by Pierrette Tremblay
Levels of Edit - Determining How Much Effort is Required to Save an Author's
Reputation, led by Karen MacFarlane
Juggling Multiple Audiences, led by Lisa Pinsker
We will have a sign-up sheet available at registration for individuals to
pick the discussion they would like to be a part of.
Dinner on your own, Main
Dining Hall
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September 9
7:00-9:00 a.m.
2006 Board Meeting
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Field trip: Geology and Natural and Cultural
History of the Potomac River Valley (Box lunch and dinner included.)
the field trip, we will explore the complex geology (a surprise to many people!)
of the Potomac River Valley, which includes rocks from the Precambrian to the
Quaternary. Great Falls National Park, the C & O Canal, and other places
of interest are on the list. The geology exerted considerable influence on the
conduct of the American Civil War, so we will include commentary on that aspect
of the local history, as well as other historical material.
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Dead Run is one
of the year-round streams that runs through a ravine in the piedmont province
of Turkey Run Park in Northern Virginia.
Call for Papers: All
AESE members and other interested persons are invited to submit abstracts to
Lisa Pinsker, Program Chair (lmp@agiweb.org;
703-379-2480). The preliminary schedule is below. The
deadline for abstracts is Friday, July 1. The abstract should include your name,
contact information and a brief description of your proposed talk.
If you have a presentation in mind that does not
seem to fit into any of the sessions described, please let Lisa know and she
will try to find a place for it. And if you would like to help organize some
of the talks, it's not too late; we are still looking for people to help organize
sessions, including the wildcard session on Sept. 8.
Contacts for questions or suggestions for speakers:
John Keith, Host Chr.
703-648-4384; jkeith@usgs.gov
Lisa Pinsker, Program Chr.
703-379-2480; lmp@agiweb.org
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Please contact Lisa Pinsker at lmp@agiweb.org
if you have anything to add to this page.