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AESE Annual Meeting, Tallahassee, FL, November 14-17, 2011 -- AESE2011.html

AESE Annual Meeting

November 14-17, 2011
Tallahassee, Florida, USA

The Annual Meeting of the AESE will be held in Tallahassee this year, November 14-17. This should be a nice time of year in Florida - not too hot. The meeting will be held at The Governor's Inn, in old downtown Tallahassee. It is centrally located on one of Tallahassee's "Seven Hills", and not more than 2 blocks from about 15 restaurants, the Brogan Science and Art Museum, The Challenger Learning Center (with IMAX and planetarium), Kleman Plaza (park), the Florida Capital buildings (old, historic and new, high-rise), City Hall, a beautiful park with Spanish moss hanging the huge live oaks, and several historical homes. It's a short walk to the FSU campus also.


AESE 2011 Registration Form [PDF]
Pay Registration via PayPal or Credit Card
Meeting Schedule [PDF]

The Inn is fairly small, so we should pretty much fill the place up. Each room is individually decorated in charming old-Tallahassee style. Please take a look at the web site,, and you can view each type of room and choose your favorite. Room choices include: Singles ($129 per night) - Governors, Deluxe, and Courtyard; Doubles ($149 per night) - Double and Loft. Call the hotel (850-681-6855) and mention "AESE" to reserve your room no later than October 31. The hotel doesn't provide transportation from the airport, but a taxi will cost you $20 - or less if you share. The hotel does provide breakfast (7-9 AM) and a Happy Hour from 5-6 PM each day.

Please make your reservations with the airlines and the hotel soon. Although Tallahassee has 7 flights coming in and out each day from Atlanta and a few from Charlotte, NC, they fill up fast. Remember that the field trip will end about 4-5 PM on Thursday, Nov. 17th, and there are only a few flights leaving Tallahassee after that. You might want to plan to stay over Thursday night and depart Friday morning.

The meeting will include an opening reception and poster session Monday evening, Tuesday morning and all-day Wednesday technical sessions, a Tuesday business meeting luncheon, a visit to the reconstructed 15th century San Luis Mission, an awards banquet and speaker Wed. evening, and a full-day field trip including stops at various karst features, a boat trip down the spring-fed Wakulla River, and a visit to the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.

We hope to see you in Tallahassee in November! For an introduction to the Tallahassee area, click on the 3-min. slide show set to music, "Tallahassee 2011." The music, "Mystery Tree," is sung by a Floridian, Amy Carol Webb.

Watch the AESE Web site, the AESE blog ( and future issues of Blueline for more details about the AESE annual meeting.

AESE 2011 Registration Form [PDF]
Pay Registration via PayPal or Credit Card
Meeting Schedule [PDF]


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