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AESE Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, September 20-23, 2010 -- AESE2010.html

AESE Annual Meeting

September 20-23, 2010
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Cruise ship docked at Ogden Point, downtown Victoria
Cruise ship docked at Ogden Point, downtown Victoria

AESE 2010 Registration Form [PDF]
Pay Registration via PayPal or Credit Card
Call for Abstracts [PDF]

Mark Your Calendar!

"Practical Geoscience" will be the theme of the 2010 AESE annual meeting, to be held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, on September 20–23. The icebreaker will be on September 20, technical sessions on September 21-22, and field trip on September 23.

Events include a freelancers' breakfast, survey breakfast, business luncheon, field trip, workshop-style sessions, and traditional-style technical sessions.

Proposed topics for the workshop-style sessions include introduction to geoscience, InDesign, Google Applications, PDFs, Meyers-Briggs, and Word 2007. Proposed topics for the traditional-style sessions include geoscience data preservation, glaciation on the West Coast, geoscience education, publication methods, innovations in geological surveys, style guide development, and innovations in map making and guide books.

The deadline for abstracts for the technical program is July 15. If you would like to propose a topic, chair a session, give a talk, or participate in a panel discussion during the technical session, contact Meg Smath, AESE vice president,

Victoria is located on southern Vancouver Island, connected to Vancouver by the BC Ferries, Port Angeles by the Coho Ferries, and Seattle by the Clipper. It boasts the mildest climate in Canada, the world famous Butchart Gardens, the Royal British Columbia Museum, and spectacular local scenery.

View of downtown from the Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria
View of downtown from the Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria

The meeting will take place at the Inn at Laurel Point (, which has reserved a block of rooms for AESE at a conference rate of $159 per night. For those needing transportation between the Victoria International Airport and the hotel, an AKAL Shuttle service is available. Please visit for more information.

Watch the AESE Web site, the AESE blog ( and future issues of Blueline for more details about the AESE annual meeting.

The average temperatures in Victoria in September are highs of 65°F and lows of 50°F. For more information about Victoria, go to

AESE 2010 Registration Form [PDF]
Pay Registration via PayPal or Credit Card
Call for Abstracts [PDF]


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