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Annual Meeting

November 8-12
San Diego, California
Hacienda Hotel, Old Town San Diego

A balmy fall season, the charming Hacienda in the heart of Old Town, and field trip vistas of sea cliffs, beaches, and piney mountains: These are a few snapshots of the 2006 AESE Annual Meeting. Dates are Wednesday through Saturday, November 8-11, 2006 with an optional guided day trip on Saturday into Baja California. Trolley and bus connections are a few blocks away, leading to all of San Diego's world-class attractions. Lodging and meetings are at the destination resort "rated in the Top 10 Best Hospitality Values" (Los Angeles Times) The board will meet on Wednesday, followed by a Mexican-style reception for all members and guests in the patio. Technical sessions are Thursday and Friday with the traditional AESE banquet and keynote presentation Friday evening. Presenters will include Dr. Pat Abbott, widely published geologist and acclaimed speaker (Natural Disasters, Rise and Fall of San Diego.) The San Diego Association of Geologists (SDAG) will provide additional resources.

"Be there when it happens."

General program


Click here to download meeting registration form.

Meeting Costs
The registration fee is $295 if you register before October 6, 2006 ($345 thereafter). Full registration fees cover admission to all sessions, opening reception, business lunch, awards banquet, and field trip/dinner cruise.
The room charge at the Hacienda Hotel is $119.00 per day. Hotel registrations now being accepted: (619) 298-4707 (Mention AESE rate $119/night).

For those wishing to bring a guest, the charge is
$150, which includes opening reception, field trip/dinner cruise, awards banquet.

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General Program

Wed., Nov. 8 Thurs., Nov. 9 Fri., Nov. 10 Sat., Nov. 11 Sun., Nov. 12

Wednesday, November 8

1:00-6:00 p.m.
Arrival and registration- Hacienda Hotel, Old Town San Diego

2:00-5:00 p.m.

2006 Board of Directors Meeting

6:30-8:30 p.m

Icebreaker reception at Hacienda

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Thursday, November 9

7:00-8:00 a.m.
State, Provincial, and National Surveys Editors Breakfast

8:30-10:00 a.m.
Technical Session I
Fred Spilhaus, Chair
Science Under Fire:
John W. Geissman , University of New Mexico, Chair of the Publications Committee of GSA, and an editor of AGU's Eos will introduce our theme . This talk will be followed by a panel discussion with audience participation on challenges that today's environment for science presents to scientists and editors alike. M. Lee Allison, Arizona State Geologist, John W. Hess, GSA Executive Director and John R. Keith, USGS will join the speaker and chair in an effort to stimulate a wide ranging discussion.

10:00-10:30 a.m.

10:30-12:00 p.m.
Technical Session 2
Karen MacFarlane, Chair
Management's view of publications:
Leaders who rely on publications to serve the purposes of their organizations will give their perspectives on the extent to which we are meeting needs now, what might be done better, and what we must prepare for in the future:

Carolyn Relf
, NWT Geoscience Office, Yellowknife
Distributing Geoscience Information in the Early 21st Century: NWT's Experience

Edward J. Swibas
Title coming

Fred Spilhaus
, AGU, Washington, D.C.
A society perspective

Rex C. Buchanan
, Kansas Geological Survey
A state survey perspective

12:00-1:00 p.m.

Natural History Field Trip to San Diego Bay and Point Loma with Sunset Dinner Cruise

Embark onto the cruise boat at the San Diego Embarcadero opposite the Santa Fe trolley station. Cruise the bay and sail out the channel along the spectacular Point Loma headlands and Cabrillo National Monument to a viewpoint off (southwest of) the Coast Guard lighthouse. Presentation and observations will include: wave-cut terraces, late Cretaceous sea cliffs, local marine life and habitat, Sunset Cliffs bluff retreat, and the massive Mission Bay syncline which is controlled by the active Rose Canyon Fault. Return up the channel past North, Shelter, and Harbor Islands while enjoying sunset dinner onboard our vessel. The cruise will last approximately four hours.

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Friday, November 10

7:00-8:00 a.m.
Freelancers Breakfast

8:30-10:00 a.m.
Technical Session 3

Rex C. Buchanan and Mindy James, Co-chairs
Innovations in Science Communication

Brandon C. Nuttall and Margaret L. Smath
, Kentucky Geological Survey,
Reaching out through the Web: RSS and Podcasts at the Kentucky Geological Survey

Linda R. Zellmer
, Indiana University Libraries
Desperately Seeking Geoscience Information: Improving Access to Digital Geoscience Information

Kim McDonald
, University of California, San Diego
Communicating Science Directly to the Public

10:00-10:30 a.m.

10:30-12:00 noon
Technical Session 4
Carol Christopher, Chair
Publishing today and tomorrow

Thomas W. Overton
, Gemological Institute of America
Using Back Issue Content to Create a New Book Series

John W. Hess
GSW and the future

Judy Holoviak
, AGU, Washington, D.C.
Economic models, open access and other challenges

Hubert Staudigel
, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
The Journal of the Future

12:00-1:30 p.m.
Annual Business Lunch

1:30-3:00 p.m.
Technical Session 5
Judy Holoviak, Chair
Exploring issues related to the accessibility of data and to the publishing and archiving of the records of science

Anthony Koppers, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Using References in the Databases

Linda R. Zellmer, Indiana University Libraries
Archiving Digital Information: A Review

Timothy Ingoldsby, American Institute of Physics
Requirements for archiving digital materials and AIP's approach

Alison Klingbyle and Linda Guay, Natural Resources Canada
GeoPub - Information Access for Everyone

3:30-3:45 p.m.

3:30-5:00 p.m.
Technical Session 6

On the Public Understanding of Science

Roy J. Shelmon, Co-Editor-in-chief, Engineering Geology
Peer Reviews

Gail Wendt, USGS Reston
The General Public: The Most Difficult Audience of All

Tom van Loon
European efforts and joint ventures

M. Lee Allison, Arizona Geological Survey
Integrating efforts to reach the public - COPUS and its context

7:00-8:30 p.m.
Annual Awards Banquet and Program: "Rise and Fall of San Diego: 150 Million Years of History"

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Saturday, November 11

8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Technical Session 7
Lisa Pinsker, Chair
Join in a discussion with publication leaders about ethical issues facing editors and processes for resolving them. Each of our panelists will present very briefly one or more ethical issues with which they have had to deal and as a group we will discuss other issues that you have faced and some resolutions to them.
Judy Holoviak, Tom van Loon and others

10:30-12:00 p.m.
Technical Session 8
Fred Spilhaus, Chair
What have we learned and where should it take us? How can we, as editors and members of the scientific community, make a difference?

H. Rowena Mills, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, will give a personal wrap up. Her remarks will be followed by a panel who have been asked to start a lively discussion that engages everyone. Together we will explore what we as individuals and collectively as AESE should do now to enhance the image of the Earth sciences and the value of the information entrusted to us. The past-presidents of AESE will join our rapporteur and chair on this panel.

What AESE goals and actions do you think are suggested by this program? Let's finish this meeting with the sense that we are going to accomplish something important through 2007.

12:00 p.m.
2006/2007 board meeting

Optional trolley field trip to Tijuana: Centro de Cultural and dinner

Sunday, November 12
Checkout and bon voyage (option to remain at hotel up to 5 days at conference rates; and can also check out on Saturday.)

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Call for Papers: We are developing an exciting program for this year's annual meeting in San Diego, California, Nov. 8-12. All AESE members and other interested persons are invited and encouraged to submit abstracts to Fred Spilhaus, program chair, at

Look at the preliminary schedule and volunteer a talk. If you have a presentation in mind that does not seem to fit into any of the sessions described, please let Fred know and he
will try to find a place for it. And if you would like to help organize some of the talks, it's not too late! Just email Fred.

The deadline for abstracts is Friday, Sept. 22. The abstract should include your name, contact information and a brief description of your proposed talk.


Contacts for questions or suggestions for speakers:

Lowell Lindsay, Host Chr.

Fred Spilhaus, Program Chr.

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Please contact Lisa Pinsker at if you have anything to add to this page.


Copyright © 1996-2024 Association of Earth Science Editors. All rights reserved.
Hosted by the American Geological Institute.