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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Glossaries and Databases

Online Glossaries and Databases

Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary

The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary provides definitions and illustrations of oilfield terminology for the technical generalist in a single, evergreen source. Geology, geophysics, drilling and drilling fluids definitions and illustrations are available, and new modules will be added periodically. Unlike most oilfield glossaries, which are written for the technical specialist, the Oilfield Glossary will be expanded to cover the whole of oilfield terminology.

USGS Geologic Names Lexicon

The U.S. Geological Survey geologic names lexicon, GEOLEX, provides definitions and references for approximately 16,000 geologic names (stratigraphic nomenclature) introduced into the literature from 1813 to the present for the U.S., its possessions and territories, and bordering areas of Canada and Mexico. It is intended for geoscience editors and researchers as an authoritative reference to current geologic stratigraphic nomenclature. We are continually adding geologic names to the database with recently named and revised geologic units that are formally recognized by the state geological surveys and the USGS.

The Ocean Drilling Program has a database.

Glossaries and Databases for Purchase


The American Geosciences Institute offers several databases: GeoRef, Cold Regions Bibliography Project, Ground Water and Soil Contamination, and Geologic Guidebooks of North America.


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Hosted by the American Geological Institute.