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AESE Annual Meeting, Calgary, Sep 4-7, 2007 -- annual meeting 2007.html

AESE Annual Meeting

September 4 - 7, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
International Hotel Suites Calgary

This year's AESE Annual Meeting is fast approaching! The meeting will be held north of the border in Calgary, Alberta, from September 4-7, 2007. The meeting headquarters will be the International Hotel Suites Calgary, located in downtown Calgary, offering views of the Bow River and Rocky Mountains. Our field trip will take us into the badlands of Alberta where we will visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, located just northwest of Drumheller, Alberta, in Midland Provincial Park.

Please set the time aside and join your AESE colleagues for what promises to be both a pleasant and an educational meeting.

For those participants traveling from outside of Canada please remember that passports are required.

Program details will be added to the AESE website as they are confirmed.

Area and facility details
Schedule and Technical Program


Click here to download meeting registration form (requires Adobe Reader)

Meeting Costs - all meeting costs are quoted in U.S. dollars:
The registration fee is $250 (or $300 after August 3, 2007). This includes the Tuesday evening icebreaker; mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks on Wednesday and Thursday; the business lunch on Thursday; the awards banquet Thursday evening; and the field trip and meals (box lunch and dinner).


Calgary is nestled in the foothills of Canada's Rocky Mountains and the International Hotel Suites is located right downtown just a block away from the Bow River. Calgary is a rapidly growing city with a population nearing one million. The city prides itself as being a place where the old west meets the new west. Take in the sites at Stampede Park or view them from the Calgary Tower; visit the zoo, botanical gardens or prehistoric park; wander through art galleries and museums abound; or take a stroll along over 300 kilometres of pathways.

The meeting will be held at the International Hotel Suites Calgary, located at 220 4th Avenue SW. The hotel has reserved a block of rooms for the AESE at a conference rate of $136 Canadian per night. This is an all suites hotel and room choices include 1 bedroom with one king or queen sized bed or 2 twin beds. Reserve your room by visiting their website or calling 1-403-265-9600 or Toll Free 1-800-661-8627 and mentioning you are with the AESE conference.


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