Association of Earth Science Editors              
Saturday, September 14, 2024

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What is AESE?

The Association of Earth Science Editors (AESE) is an organization of editors, journal managers, and others concerned with publication in the earth sciences. Members include the editors of most of the North American earth-science journals, editing and publishing personnel with state and federal geological surveys and with commercial firms, editors of reports prepared for geological consultants, and others interested in earth-science publishing.


The goals of AESE are the promotion of the interchange of ideas and the solution of problems involving selecting, editing, and publishing books and articles in the earth sciences.


The Association has more than 250 members. Most reside in the United States and Canada, but about 10 percent live in other countries. AESE maintains liaison with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), and the Council of Science Editors (CSE). AESE is a member society of the American Geological Institute (AGI) and an associated society of the Geological Society of America (GSA).

AESE meets at a different location each year in the fall for two to three days. Attendance is usually about 70 members. Papers and panel discussions are presented to the entire group; workshops may be held concurrently with some of the formal sessions. Subjects of recent programs included desktop publishing, computer applications, web site creation, copyright problems, editorial techniques, journal economics, and referee/reviewer problems. Question periods are provided, and lively discussions are the rule. In addition to the formal sessions, the meeting includes an informal reception, a banquet, and a field trip to points of geologic or historic interest. Registration fees and hotel costs at annual meetings are kept at a reasonable level. AESE occasionally holds joint meetings with other organizations.

Proceedings of the association and topics of timely interest are covered in a quarterly newsletter, Blueline. An up-to-date membership directory is distributed annually.

Regular membership in AESE is open to individuals who are interested in the goals of AESE. Regular members vote and are eligible to hold office in AESE. Subscription membership is open to any organization interested in AESE goals. An organization holding subscription membership receives the Blueline and may designate a nonvoting representative to AESE.

Some Facts about AESE...

Founded October 1967, Columbus, Ohio.

7 members (elected)

Regular, Subscription.

$35 (per calendar year).

Outstanding Editorial or Publishing Contributions
Outstanding Publication

Directory of Members (annual)
Blueline newsletter (quarterly)

Annually (autumn); length: 2-3 days
Program format: technical sessions, panel discussions, workshop meetings, hands-on workshops;
Other activities: receptions, business meetings, banquet, field trips, publication displays.



Copyright © 1996-2024 Association of Earth Science Editors. All rights reserved.
Hosted by the American Geological Institute.